As a matter of fact, Chris has made much more than that and he can show you how to do it too, but first, let's learn a little about Chris.
Born on a farm in a rural area, Chris knew at the young age of just 13 that he wanted to become a stock broker. He wasn't even sure what a stock broker was but he did know they made lots of money and drove nice cars. Sounds good to a 13yr old!
Chris eventually followed his dream of trading stocks. He studied everything he could get his hands on and through trial and error, Chris developed his own system, now known as the 60 Minute Trader.
Chris' first month of trading was astonishing! He started with only $360 and ended the month with $19,800 and has maintained an overall winning average of 90%. That's incredible by anyones standards. There is no other system that can claim this level of success that I know of.
Chris' system, the 60 Minute Trader as been consistant for over 6 years and has undergone scrutiny of the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission. Veteran traders are amazed at the near 100% success of this system.
Visit The 60 Minute Trader Website
Some 60 Minute Trader Forex Facts
You can make money whether the markets go up or down, in fact, you can make more when the markets go down.
Unlike other systems, The 60 Minute Trader doesn't require expensive software.
You can start Trading Forex using Chris' system with as little as $250
No complex formulas and theories like with the Fibonnaci or Gann systems.
Everything you need to succeed is included! No expensive subscriptions, upgrades, sales funnels constantly wanting to sell you another piece of the puzzle.
No experience necessary. Everything you need is included in this course. Nothing is complicated. Follow the 5 simple steps and win 75 out of every 100 trades, guaranteed or your money back.
You will only work 1 hour per day! That's why it's called the 60 minute trader. Following Chris' step by step system, you set your entry and exit points based on the information he gives you and call it a day.
Visit The 60 Minute Trader Website